Daily Domain Sales (3-13-2015): 3067.com $9,210, InvestNet.net $3,000

dailyDonuts Launches “Freedom of Choice” Advertising Campaign In The US Only

Donuts “Freedom of Choice” Ad Campaign Video

Verisigh Celebrates The .COM 30th Anniversary With An Infographic

New gTLDs Don’t Have A Major Impact On Phishing Yet – 85% Of Phishing Domain Names Were Registered In China

Domaining Europe 2015 Updates Agenda (Jeffrey Sass Will Review .Club Year One)

Sold The Domain Name City.Tips For 8,500 Euro ($9,335)

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
investnet.net $3,000
porteblindate.it 2,500 EUR
furgoneta.es 1,700 EUR
truepayment.com $1,500
meatless.at 1,200 EUR
3-d.camera 1,000 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

3067.com $9,210
paulsen.com $1,658
eluma.com $712
crawfordjewelers.net $650
skinsensations.com $500
18293.com $498
orlx.com $460
fashionq1982.com $425
muzikreviews.com $420
tcrg.com $405
n7i.com $390
jewelexpress.com $375
tntnetwork.com $355
joyofspex.com $340
stopthewall.us $340
popupdeals.com $326
cottagegardening.com $315
rubbbqpub.com $305
casinobonusfarm.com $305
levor.com $282
columbuslocalbiz.com $265
phycal.com $255
oceansedgestkitts.com $255
rnkh.com $224
artprintcollection.com $222
pltb.com $213
gpebusiness.com $210
rdkh.com $210
rkhf.com $208
naplesnetnews.com $175
qglc.com $175
19145.com $158
marctalkstech.com $155
samandal.org $155
eaww.com $152
rknh.com $151
40920.com $151
visionsensorsmag.com $151
baydunes.com $150
yogi-berra.com $135
kamigumi.com $133
sparkrebel.com $128
culticstudiesreview.org $125
prkh.com $124
searchestate.com $117
46720.com $115
envolo.com $110
wwtube.com $107
fedinvestonline.info $107
saveoureitc.com $105
michellehoover.net $105
krwj.com $100
fdxe.com $96
iuih.com $96
rpqm.com $95
outjourneys.com $91
u3ayarraranges.com $90
ikpy.com $85
dagobaonline.com $85
merrittraceway.com $85
modular-office.com $82
hebronmusicandartsfestival.com $82
whatscomingnext.com $80
woyw.com $76
oneplanetcatering.com $75
pittsburghneighborhoodtours.com $75
therightshirts.com $75
mtsifoodbank.org $75
agileinaflash.com $74
siennaweb.com $70
kurdhawal.com $67
automotiveadvertisingnetwork.com $61
roatx.org $60
tugk.com $60
stockmarketsblog.com $59
grayhatnews.com $55
rankingweb.org $55
totallyauction.net $52
clubbourbonstreet.com $50
douglasmc.com $47
okmob.com $42
bqpu.com $38
vbarcade.net $37
simplycreatinghome.com $36
backmanmovies.com $35
dukkanburger.com $32
enetenglish.com $32
kayserieo.org $30
vbarcade.org $27
plateriadelperu.com $27
rawblockchaindata.com $27
v3arcade.net $27
pokerforus.com $27
theblockchainportal.com $27
kbzgroup.com $27
washingtonfoodallergy.org $27
markoseventos.com $22
v3arcade.org $22
mnuj.com $20
ctrsr.org $20
pinkdaisydesign.com $20
inflatedgames.com $17
tiltthemovie.com $17
concours2013.com $17
cprwebdesign.com $17
threeandoutmovie.com $17
aroma-market.com $15
growgirlgrow.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
LernvId.com $3,250
SilverHealth.com $1,010
2g2g.com $665
Bocai77.com $131
BurgerMan.com $508
bvnn.com $114
FoodAffair.com $331
FTPV.com $327
GJAC.com $324
HypnosisWorld.com $104
InnoBase.com $324
JustLimo.com $104
LifePie.com $165
Monarchs.net $135
PaulineCroze.com $150
SepticMax.com $154
Xpj6789.com $283

Flippa Domain Auctions:
DesignGraphics.com $3,999
shoelaces.net $1,750
quarantine.io $633
Gurls.xxx $501


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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