Daily Domain Sales (2-4-2015): FortMyersFlorida.com $5,016, Encontrar.es 5,000 EUR

dailyFlippa 2014 Review: $2.15 Million In Domain Name Sales

34 Million New .Com & .Net Domains Registered In 2014 (Same As In 2013)

DNA Survey: 85% Of People Type Domains Into Browsers & 60% Want More Domain Extensions

Stupidest Trojan Email I Have Ever Received

“You are a Victim of Domain Name Theft. Now What?”

This is the 4th part of my photo post series: NamesCon 2015: Frank Schilling, Shayan Rostam (.xyz), Theo Develegas & The Girls! (photos)

10 Things I Learned About Chinese Domain Names

Rick Schwartz Sold Porno.com For $8,888,888 (here are a few details of the sale)

Go Daddy Having Big Trouble With Simple Domain Name Registrations

Wix.com Kicked Go Daddy’s Ass At Super Bowl 2015

Funniest Flippa Auction Ever: “New gtlds ruined me! IM BROKE!”

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
encontrar.es 5,000 EUR
autoverhuur.be 5,000 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
internationalstock.com $329

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

fortmyersflorida.com $5,016
cgs.org $3,050
colliercounty.com $2,836
fortmyersfl.com $2,500
cityautoonline.com $2,330
nutriworld.com $1,780
essp.org $1,775
00013.com $1,550
qatarproperty.com $1,040
efm.net $1,000
tradingpit.com $838
xpj58.com $710
xpj98.com $660
discous.com $644
spraytect.com $610
cannabisconnoisseur.com $565
idfspokesperson.com $560
tizm.com $525
gdiot.com $510
xpj28.com $510
508999.com $502
coolbabykid.com $501
myschoolhelp.com $501
xpj86.com $457
tosushisteakhouse.com $455
580666.com $448
xpj688.com $426
graphicsnetwork.com $416
geaf.com $414
6453.net $401
fortmeyers.com $360
goldenrain.com $353
kullukresponse.com $305
nmvc.com $305
getavoucherfast.com $286
ulaz.com $255
fullhdfreemovie.com $231
carportdesigns.com $230
workingberlinmum.com $225
31667.com $221
chitownontap.com $220
colier.com $220
29736.com $215
itrobot.com $205
07667.com $204
findmypromdress.com $200
fitnessfire.com $197
sicw.com $193
acecatfurniture.com $175
stockdiamond.com $172
gunacademy.com $158
lawgroup.net $155
gpcal.org $155
shanghaivista.com $155
v9t.com $151
specsci.com $145
coffee-grinders.com $140
gsya.com $130
revisioned.com $115
jamrecruiting.com $110
wpmx.com $106
yourlatitude.com $105
pietropiller.com $105
greenenergetics.com $102
vacationclosings.com $102
free-chrome.net $90
edunebab.com $90
deebeeduss.com $85
goldleafcrafters.com $85
theoldergeek.com $85
phoneescapes.com $85
aidscompetence.org $85
tsunami-info.org $82
chipmancoins.com $80
cocoa-mono.org $77
evolveimages.com $75
piercestreetonline.com $75
cleantechbrief.com $75
fs-collectibles.com $75
big-bone-lick.com $75
soccerwires.com $70
jackwagner.org $70
msmusclesfitness.com $70
engineering-resource.com $67
maplecreekart.com $65
iqpd.com $63
dubailabs.com $60
singaporeforexforum.com $57
safariville.com $55
fifteen-degrees.com $50
aknotary.com $45
pre-ventfeeders.com $45
jessabellareads.com $45
elperiodicoalescola.com $42
garden-gadget.com $40
555773.com $39
heatermagazine.com $38
ooqx.com $37
tvinchina.org $37
capitalquote.com $37
luxuryscottsdalehome.com $37
mocuishle.com $36
brendanhansenonline.com $35
uytb.com $35
usdta.org $31
mayyoubeblessedmovie.com $27
imcrypt.com $27
luisandres.com $25
gbliz.com $25
atcfitnesscenter.com $22
qipb.com $22
lochmurray.com $22
huangshan360.com $22
zqip.com $22
luminosity-lighting.com $22
solardominho.com $20
luminosity-lighting-products.com $20
custom-glock.com $20
vkvz.com $17
assurance-enligne.net $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Balconi.com $1,750
Everclearonline.com $1,150
Doppo.com $585
BreiBand.com $520
MiSento.com $452
RedAndBlackCafe.com $370
QuidPro.com $359
Bmrbh.net $329
PrivateLab.com $324
RosettaThurman.com $321
Sb1388.com $209
TrawelFly.com $175
Yh9000.com $164
MZTL.com $145
lliedProjects.com $144
TropicalNet.com $101

Flippa Domain Auctions:
Deodorants.net $995
Rush.io $556
finance.fm $415
certified.domains $206
root.info $185


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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