Uniregistry Registers 76,000+ Domain Names Of .Property, .Help, .Diet & .Hosting

uniregistryUniregistry, the New gTLD registry owned by Frank Schilling, registered another 76,000+ domain names from its own reserved domain names to its sister company North Sound Names.

These domain names were the premium domain names reserved by 4 of Uniregistry’s New gTLDs: .Property, .Help, .Diet and .Hosting.

This method is nothing new as Uniregistry has done the same with other of its New gTLDs such as .sexy.

According to NameStat.org .Property gained 36,018 domains over the weekend and now about 35,991 domains are owned by North Sound Names. There 38,464 .Property domains in total.

.Help gained 18,044 domains over the weekend and now about 17,988 domains are owned by North Sound Names. There 21,630 .Help domains in total.

.Diet gained 13,303 domains over the weekend and now about 13,268 domains are owned by North Sound Names. There 14,596 .Diet domains in total.

.Hosting gained 9,365 domains over the weekend and now about 9,329 domains are owned by North Sound Names. There 11,609 .Hosting domains in total.

Thanks to NameStat.org for the great stats!

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Is this a move that specifically allows North Sound Names to then resell these names at a premium? I’m wondering how this step is different than some registries just creating a higher initial registration price like in the Early Access Program.

    • These are the premium domains that were reserved anyway.
      They are just registering to a different company (because the registry can have more than 100 domains) and because it is easier to sell a domain that resolves and gets you to a sales page.

      EAP is completely different. You can have both regular and premium domains in EAP.

  2. They are in the business, they have the registry, they have DNS, they have a staff of brokers, they would only pay the ICANN fee I believe on the domains, so what does it matter.

    It is their extensions, they are going to use their resources to get the best rate of return for their company, they stated for a long time, this is their strategy.

  3. of smoke, mirrors, fool’s gold and mental masturbation…

    A man and his EGO and he is so desperate NOT to be proved wrong.

    When will the layoffs start?

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