Report: There Are Now 286.7 Million Registered Domain Names (1.5% Growth)

gtldsAs of November 2014 total registrations across all Top Level Domains (TLDs) stood at 286.7 million.

This represents a growth of roughly 1.5% (4.1 million registrations) for the 3 months since August 2014.

As new gTLDs are being delegated and opening for general availability, their combined registrations have grown in absolute terms by around 60% since August 2014 and combined registrations are around 3.4 million.

Significant factors have affected the ccTLD growth over the last quarter such as a decrease in .ar (due to policy changes) and the .tk effect (.tk offers mostly free domains). Without the influence of these two ccTLDs, growth was recorded at 1.3% for the 3 month period.

The market share between ccTLDs and gTLDs is relatively even, however weighted slightly to gTLDs. Market share of new gTLDs has been increasing and currently represents 1.2% of all registrations. It’s worth noting that the market share values in the chart include TLDs that offer free domains (such as .tk and several of the new gTLDs).








The top 20 largest ccTLDs represent roughly 83% of all ccTLD registrations globally and 38% of all domain names globally (gTLDs, ccTLDs, etc).

New gTLDs

Since the new gTLDs started being delegated at the beginning of 2014, they represent around 3.5 million registrations and are continually growing with both the addition of newly delegated strings as well as growth in ones already delegated. Total combined registrations of 435 new gTLDs on record has seen a combined growth of 57% in the past 3 months.

In terms of total registrations, the top 5 new gTLDs are listed to the right along with their 3 month growth and market share (as a percentage of all new gTLDs) values in the chart below . .xyz, .club and .berlin have all opened to general availability for more than 5 months however .berlin has a more restricted and defined target market than the others.

(*As mentioned on page 1 or the report, it is worth noting that some new gTLDs give away domains for free. This can give a varied impressions of the success or relevance of a TLD and should be considered when analysing data.)

The latest of CENTRs ‘DomainWire Stat Report’ is available (Edition 10 – December 2014). The report provides a global status update on top level domains (legacy gTLDs, new gTLDs and ccTLDs) with a focus on European ccTLDs.

DomainWire Stat Report is CENTR’s quarterly publication covering basic domain name statistics with a focus on European ccTLDs (country code Top Level Domains). A ccTLD (country code top level domain) is a two letter domain name extension such as .de (Germany), .es (Spain) or .cz (Czech Republic).

CENTR is the European ccTLD association. CENTR is a not for profit organisation dedicated to supporting the interest of country code TLD managers. The objectives of CENTR are to promote and participate in the development of high standards and best practices among ccTLD Registries. CENTR has 52 Full members and 9 Associate members who all together represent around 80% of the total number of ccTLD domain name registrations worldwide.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.

One comment

  1. I expected that the new gTLD will have greater representation than existing.

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