Go Daddy: Acquiring Expired Domains (video)

godaddyGo Daddy had a Google Hangout that explained how to to buy expired domain names: “Ever wonder what happens to expired domains? Unlike expired milk, expired domains don’t turn sour and get kicked to the curb. Join Brian, Joe and Wes as they talk about domain auctions, closeouts, backorders and the important time frames you need to know to snag an expired domain.”

Here is the video:

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. “GoDaddy had a Google Hangout”……………Due to the simple fact that Google is entering as a competitor in the domain and web service market, you would think that they would use another forum other than Google Hangout…. Currently in BETA, Google is building the web services platform somewhat similar to GoDaddy and may, if pricing is adjusted, take a bite out of the Daddy…. ……

    • Everybody is using google hangouts so I guess they wanted the most eyeballs at this time.

      • I realize that Godaddy wants the most eyeballs. However, they are failing to realize that all those eyeballs have Google accounts. When Google Domains goes “live” all of those Google accounts will automatically integrate with Google Domains……In short, Google should send a “Thank You” to Godaddy for educating Google’s future domain customers…..

  2. I found it interesting as well that Go Daddy chose Googles’ platform for their live event. You would think that they may use a custom service that forces participants to be logged into their Go Daddy accounts to access and assist with retention. Not really surprised though I guess.

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