Daily Domain Sales (10-31-2014): Jott.com $42,500, OF.org $8,000 SpinClass.com $3,550

dailyI am really angry because I post all these sales everyday and once in a while something like this happens and I don’t know what the f*ck is going on. I know that a lot has happened in the past and a lot is happening everyday but this kind of stupidity from these con men and this kind of indifference from Snapnames is beyond me: iWire.com Winning Bidder For $7,777 Tries To Sell The Domain Before He Pays For It At Snapnames Have they suspended this snapnames account yet? What the f*ck are they waiting? I am not the only one that got that email.

I came across this article called “How to Dodge Domain Squatters”. Read what it says and understand what the above average people know about domain names.

Here is a peak at what I do month after month: September: My 639 Domain Name Renewals And 118 Drops (15.6%)

Here is my latest poll: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“. You can vote here if you want:

[cardoza_wp_poll id=7]


Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
of.org $8,000
bagdad.de 1,350 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
mlfi.com $555

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
youngnudes.com $330

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

jott.com $42,500
spinclass.com $3,550
merwis.com $3,105
homegymcentral.com $2,509
realproaudio.com $2,107
revos.com $1,580
libertycentral.org $1,525
mydlms.com $1,002
icyd.org $970
digicar.com $865
timekiwi.com $780
aiesecmalta.org $754
netasia.com $718
factsvillage.com $701
top10bestsewingmachine.com $442
sweetie.net $420
roofwork.com $420
ourtruths.org $395
caribbeancondos.com $393
gaylamtinh.net $387
age-mur.com $337
chawaitlistupdate.org $322
espazioideal.com $320
247names.com $310
dramastory.net $306
fitnessaddiction.com $305
geicao.com $272
insidesportsillustrated.com $265
liveamerica.com $251
lorebrandcomics.com $230
handymanfinder.com $227
vanabel.com $225
radarnews.com $210
joww.com $206
newlifecorp.org $205
csscmn.com $205
usfencounter.com $205
authornews.com $205
missolliesoakland.com $205
miracall.com $201
buenaventurapress.com $200
ijep.com $193
filesocute.com $187
loseyourappetite.com $186
drfluoridefree.com $185
bemus.org $180
ocpmoaxaca2013.org $175
christmastext.com $160
bloggeraz.com $159
mimerdesk.org $155
yzod.com $155
dep99.com $155
nomedicalexam.net $146
mehandi-designs.com $146
illinoistransition.org $140
socialnetworkadvertising.com $137
coralreefmultimedia.org $137
vitebsk974.org $127
estasherni.com $125
campusofcaring.org $125
sensitivesoap.com $116
meanwhileinchinanews.com $116
fixed-investments.com $115
wilsonsapples.com $115
buyatvscheap.com $110
ucbf.com $105
adoptionworld.com $105
rustedcreek.com $105
internetwp.com $105
diroz.com $105
kampblog.com $105
carlanovi.com $105
legallocksmith.com $105
writeonspeakers.com $105
amit4u.net $105
goberna.com $104
envplus.com $102
stanleyconstruction.com $101
allergycard.com $100
hohohoperenoel.com $95
miamicreditcars.com $92
vzale.com $88
asia-product.com $86
findsarasota.com $85
arwwmpt.org $85
grapevinewillowglen.com $85
uepy.com $85
apetsblog.com $85
cyclingcircus.com $82
thjn.com $80
tnfz.com $80
hdmoviestream.com $71
directorylive.net $70
scotlandlaunch.com $70
mydesertsunmediagroup.com $67
xpgk.com $62
newprovidencenjhomesforsale.co… $62
blvv.com $60
yfxn.com $60
qrbb.com $56
individualchoices.net $56
eatdrinksnort.com $55
facesurgeryorangecounty.com $55
54390.com $55
discoverycast.com $55
kambingbujang.com $55
zoomspoon.com $55
damnrightmusic.com $55
gooseberrynation.info $52
heerycm.com $52
thuruvam.com $52
scottsdaleandphoenixhomes.com $52
stillline.com $50
planet-media.com $47
ubjb.com $47
advancedgpsstore.com $47
nhzo.com $45
uyvl.com $43
uysv.com $42
truckn-store.com $42
syresh.info $42
nnji.com $42
coxautojc.com $42
crestondaily.com $42
forextvstudios.com $42
rosegardenapartment.com $42
lzjo.com $41
prunaz.com $37
guyscooktoo.com $37
psychicreadingslivechat.com $37
ivkx.com $37
xfle.com $35
roblyons.com $35
qbycentralfire.org $35
strendy.com $33
selfiewars.com $32
hays.co $32
hercaribbean.com $31
smckinseycutting.com $30
kirstendunstweb.com $30
furbishchemical.com $30
pechiney-high-purity.com $30
carrycase.us $30
mycookthis.com $27
dnyv.com $27
artideasforkids.org $27
vwgem.com $27
luloc.com $27
patamas.com $27
oxhl.com $27
qfle.com $27
motamot.org $25
onlinecasinobonuscode.org $25
ijlk.com $24
legalwebnews.com $22
zbvm.com $22
sortables.com $22
tuspco.com $22
plexusstore.com $22
g5softwares.com $22
xegk.com $22
brooklynnemichelle.com $22
danatuna.com $22
yuvb.com $22
visa-cam.org $22
jvrz.com $22
blackcowboybootsforwomen.com $22
bi-mc.com $20
simplysimsational.org $20
gameseekr.com $20
libertyroofingandconstruction…. $17
8de.net $17
shop-isabelmarant.com $17
uyhv.com $17
iyrv.com $17
gdx.cc $17
snooki.net $15
superfly.co $15
lucerne.co $15
almacenelfaro.com $15
danneo.org $15
sweetmagic.info $15
trans-staronline.com $15
christchurchcasino.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
BlueLand.com $2,060
ZRUN.com $1,015
Cargobus.com $280
828000.com $169
FWAB.com $145
MyLesbianBaby.com $104

Flippa Domain Auctions:
cu.ly $995
Drones.so $180
cuz.com $21,000 (reserve not met)
Responsive.com $14,200 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. This way we all end up paying high price for all names we have won so far. Snapnames must ban those users and take necessary steps to make things better in future. I wonder why they don’t implement verification system for bidders bidding over 2-3k range. That should be applied even for the existing clients.

  2. I have had the same issue with people front running domains at NameJet and GoDaddy.

    Normally they do it while the domain is in auction, then if they get interest they bid. Sometimes they win the auction then just don’t pay if they don’t get interest.

    All these auctions need better verification systems. On GoDaddy you can pay $5 and open an auction account with a pre-paid debit card then start bidding thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. When you combine that with the fact that bidding is open and anonymous it only makes it that much worse for shilling bidding and other auction games.


  3. Hat tip: Of.org sold by Anshul Goyal of email.biz

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