Daily Domain Sales (10-16-2014): LowCarb.com $45,000, Anonymity.com $13,433, Sadness.com $12,000

dailyFlippa had some great sales yesterday with LowCarb.com leading sales with $45,000.

New low by .xyz registry: Google Glass Used As Bait For Students To Get Free .XYZ Domains. Every time I say that I have seen it all but they always surprise me.

Everybody, except people stuck in the 90s, know that Network Solutions is a very bad and expensive registrar. Their support is non-existent and condescending. The latest problem I am having is that Network Solutions does not agree with the official registry expiration date. So you should transfer all your domains out of Network Solutions before their internal expiration date.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
psykolog.com $3,600
mietpreisbremse.de 1,547 EUR
sodexoprestige.es 1,200 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
pinkpanda.com $1,900
radiotalk.com $766
pokerquide.com $530
greenhornet.com $463

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
xxxshops.com $144

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

odeoenterprise.com $2,505
fcusa.com $2,300
nys-opal.com $1,325
noblesautos.com $945
fleetingmagazine.com $810
lazycow.com $710
bnaa.org $611
stclairshores.net $600
hair-n-skin-care.com $551
webtypographyforthelonely.com $455
gooalive.com $416
cejug.org $410
lscube.org $400
goodschoolspa.org $395
ilvsun3.com $391
weapply.com $355
douglasfairbanks.org $350
marmaralines.com $350
kidscornerbrazil.org $350
digitalattorney.com $330
xjft.com $307
txxg.com $305
nigerianbar.org $300
robertproch.com $300
meta-referencement.com $290
macaframa.com $288
internationalbeautyacademy.com $282
cyberpoems.com $251
safejoin.com $250
weprintshirts.com $230
businessretirement.com $204
hotelassociationnepal.org $190
cdkey-game.com $180
chondo.net $174
stunningpresentations.com $167
unlimitedwebsitebuilder.com $161
nospac.com $155
mqaccesibilidad.com $150
keldbunkhouse.com $150
vintagestampdesigns.com $150
thebizspain.com $147
caobisco.com $145
bengest.com $144
comeandtakeithousemovers.com $136
sultansofswing.com $131
vjsi.com $126
esozone.com $126
paradisecottages.com $118
criminalcafe.com $117
belowthemovie.com $115
vvkp.com $110
angels4preemies.com $106
wheretogetadomain.com $105
aanr-wc.com $105
cpmq.com $104
draculahorse.com $102
ikzy.com $100
shirtlessdaily.com $100
francessmeeks.com $97
louqu.net $95
gainesvilleecotours.com $92
nooklovers.com $91
chadvisors.com $90
toyfox.com $88
theredwheelbarrow.com $85
kaderstransport.com $81
londonliveanddirect.com $80
entiiselingerie.com $80
weedbites.com $80
tnub.com $80
zrky.com $80
kumbare.com $76
srqg.com $75
541666.com $72
wesayyesatus.com $71
unblockanysite.net $70
hmxq.com $70
elonjamesisnotwhite.com $70
8outof10.com $70
tagtooga.com $70
0on.info $65
plaistowtrading.com $64
wesayyesatus.net $62
freebzone.com $60
yourpathyourchoice.org $60
holycrossmaplelake.com $56
triadprod.com $54
bookdope.com $54
jleventsonline.com $52
gigjobs123.com $52
caramelswirls.com $52
sawtoothprinthouse.com $52
crafts-trade.com $50
49554.com $50
ivgu.com $49
bestwestern-onthebeach.com $45
1102.cc $45
irishacreschapman.com $45
makerealmoneyontheinternet.com $45
advancedefsdatarecovery.com $40
uqql.com $40
onfz.com $40
youtxt.com $40
hikinggpsshop.com $38
gameswb.com $38
indifocus.com $38
shastablvd.com $38
stocksbuying.net $38
konstruktiv.net $37
macssportspub.com $37
itheorange.com $37
cro-ict.net $37
muzicafree.net $35
avzn.com $35
scalasoriginal.com $34
patagoniaflyfishinglodge.com $33
ipheadset.net $33
cottonwoodrv.com $32
jlwebestudio.com $32
krugmanonline.net $32
eazytraveler.com $30
oczh.com $29
loscabosnorthbend.com $27
ace1plumbing.com $27
incharcha.com $26
pabasara.com $25
bestonlinetradingsite.net $25
masdir.com $25
chehalis.net $25
about-paris-hotels.com $25
twin-towers.net $25
johnphanchalad.com $23
pbinnovationfund.net $22
consultingdd.com $22
opthamologistguide.com $22
bostonpercussivedance.com $22
killersthemovie.com $22
spinservices.org $20
seoxrumerservice.com $19
gold2020.com $17
empactconnect.com $17
555229.com $17
eolatino.com $15
pescaseafoodrestaurant.com $15
futbolustan.com $15
campo.co $15
cobrafootball.com $15
eamarket.net $15
ukrgo.net $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Fujitsu-Siemens.com $3,050
YouxiKong.com $755
Etern.com $490
67602.com $315
PriscillaOntour.com $301
PocketNote.com $245
UnscrewingTheInscrutable.com $161
BitCoinIa.com $136

Flippa Domain Auctions:
lowcarb.com $45,000
Anonymity.com $13,433
Sadness.com $12,000
Inches.com $6,750
SEOhack.com $855
Discounts.io $560
MSRPs.com $430
PlayMash.com $205
RatingBabes.com $115
LearnChineseMandarin.com $115
weedstorelocator.com $105
BestBuyZone.com $104
LocalDeals.com $10,500 (reserve not met)
Organ.com $8,600 (reserve not met)
NutritionBars.com $5,500 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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