Daily Domain Sales (9-10-2014): 5198.com $20k, FamilyBox.com $10k, Yabai.com $11,100

dailyI am tired of saying the same thing over and over again. These constant, not advertised auctions in reseller auction houses with end user reserves will almost never bring the prices you hope for. There are maybe 5 weekly auctions running at any time and that is on top of the expired, dropped and other individual auctions. Even premium domain name auctions, like the Heritage Auctions, that are heavily advertised have trouble selling all domains above reserve.

Yes, I am talking about the Sedo numeric auction. See the results below.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
familybox.com $10,000
havana.club $8,000
zulu.co $2,500
usedcostumes.com $2,000
eurochange.com 2,350 EUR

And from the Sedo numeric auction that ended yesterday:
5198.com $20,000
1151.com 13,100 Euro
1029.com 5,600 Euro
1.asia $3,102
88.asia $2,000
666.me $1,380
9.nu $1,000
5.nu $1,000
9.gs $400
855.co $250
3638.net $233
1956.net $230
2508.net $210
94958.com $159
20040.com $139
500.xxx $100

Namejet Domain Auctions:
mru.net $605
zwy.net $570
navn.com $511

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
finecigar.com $391
eroticdates.com $214

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

bakingpans.com $2,550
paranormalresearchsociety.org $1,775
123450.com $812
ustogether.org $736
canine-genetics.com $660
insurancequotefinders.com $551
mommyfergblog.com $532
accreditedinvestorlists.com $510
gemsold.com $510
pysld.com $455
fitfactor.com $450
lollar4governor.com $425
ecodentistry.com $420
channi.com $420
bachelorettemovie.com $411
supernaturalcrime.com $405
kerflop.com $380
powersail.com $370
kongse.com $362
thedizzydaizy.com $360
serverupgrade.com $355
supportsanity.org $334
puntodevistaypropuesta.com $321
nearwestsidestory.org $305
mychurchandtown.com $305
realestatelogic.com $305
xycle.com $305
leewilkins.com $305
blueflagusvi.org $293
theassembledpartiesbroadway.co… $256
vcpro.com $255
topchurchsuits.com $248
pedallas.com $245
hao18.com $233
netpet.org $218
warqaran.com $217
wallstreet-inversiones.com $217
dalycityhistory.org $215
gonzagalawreview.org $207
bodyhealthbeauty.org $205
marketbuckhead.com $205
o8i.com $205
tradebinaryoptions.com $205
classicthunder.net $205
theworldlinks.com $204
squaredesigns.com $204
oddiseemusic.com $195
athomepetvetcare.com $176
recycle4dollars.com $165
beautybagg.com $165
kosciuskosheriff.com $162
ideashark.com $160
patientpal.com $156
cocolaurent.com $155
vote4vacation.com $155
voiceforce.com $153
synchroniser.org $148
engravedcrystal.us $145
dpmh.com $145
moiche.com $137
derechoalaeducacion.com $134
26-26.com $131
mmmgreenbee.com $130
frogpondfarmdrafts.com $130
greaterdentistry.com $130
qfyc.com $130
1530wjjg.com $130
3xdomains.com $128
ukesofhazzard.com $126
swanseatelly.org $125
petsanimalsdirectory.com $125
cinemaxworld.com $122
mechanicalperception.com $116
buyervision.com $111
athleticsnews.net $105
choclicious.com $105
gottoget.com $105
ajedrezbali.com $105
78692.com $105
alanprather.com $103
1047edgeradio.com $103
presumedguiltythemovie.com $101
77693.com $99
bwpluslacrossewi.com $95
fairfaxstationtimes.com $95
centrevilletimes.com $94
appcrawl.com $92
wearemaurice.com $86
glutenfreegimmethree.com $83
a-i.net $82
learnodes.com $80
bppa-vt.org $79
restaurantcraft.com $78
arfortaleza.com $75
wmimusic.com $75
andrewbreitel.com $75
todaysfuneral.com $72
hobbything.com $71
enricossf.com $71
bc1678.com $70
xrxk.com $70
appledunyasi.com $70
kglw.com $70
qmnh.com $68
pensonfire.com $67
xrxl.com $66
atomicdir.com $65
romneymakes.com $65
26thstory.com $65
mosaicoconsulting.com $63
chantillytimes.com $61
8to.net $59
tratool.org $57
xzim.com $55
europeaneats.com $55
mapexp.com $55
unctopt.org $55
timelapsewebcam.com $53
bbmworld.com $52
hillcountryranchhomes.com $50
zacx.com $50
tmivacations.com $50
dfragg.com $50
theprevailingethos.com $50
cexh.com $50
mechwarrior3.org $45
dopedelivery.com $45
inpackersmovers.com $43
feathermankennels.com $42
findahoustondentist.com $42
step2bee.com $42
uscmuslims.com $41
aboutjailbreak.com $41
uwbankindia.com $40
custommetal.net $40
sweetloralee.com $38
sex6se.com $37
avghub.com $37
almasareng.com $37
massagecolumbus.com $37
twistedcupcakesoasis.com $36
givesgoodemail.com $35
moretravelchoices.com $35
spreeweb.net $35
velas-artesanales-y-souvenirs…. $35
ozbr.com $33
fishing-for.com $33
microsoftgeneratorpoints.com $32
noblestire.com $32
cultofgreen.com $30
lubuntutips.com $30
freereleasepress.com $30
studentcorners.com $27
oqdn.com $27
daftsignz.com $27
feedexplore.net $25
rodolfocastro.com $25
istanbuldakifirmalar.com $25
bbconsentido.com $25
netpets.net $25
arab-master.com $25
awardweb.info $25
trans1401k.com $22
hotelinvietnam.info $22
gaytubefree.com $22
watchyourdog.com $22
iamkriskasanova.com $22
tdpradio.com $22
velolabproject.com $22
trinoga.org $22
theinsurancetest.com $22
consciousmarketer.com $20
goldenacts.com $20
soydantermal.com $20
rpgmmogold.com $20
renaissanceeracostumes.com $20
4tmp3.com $20
jokv.com $19
vihq.com $17
besttreatmentforacne.org $17
mcleantimes.com $17
hairbybianca.com $17
swreplica.com $17
vintage-sewing-machines.info $17
criticbuddy.com $17
cheapinsuranceautoquotes.com $17
dfwis.com $15
mydeliciouslife.com $15
seowebtools.info $15
customparacord.com $15
showchoirdresses.com $12

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
TheWasp.com $355
ZjwstgH.com $303
LaifubAo.com $228
FourCom.com $222
ChengZhuan.com $193
Cater4you.com $192
Drone4u.com $171
FlexoTank.com $164
WrozBy.com $141
755333.com $125
Urine.net $114

Flippa Domain Auctions:
Yabai.com $11,100
Flipped.net $1,999
Deterred.com $1,400
Ikeru.com $555
Okusan.com $502
Oshiri.com $465
Otemachi.com $375
JapanLinks.com $305
Nkhw.Com $210
RECYCLINGPLEASE.COM $2,500 (reserve not met)
realestateforeclosures.com $1,050 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. I agree with you, but there are domainers, collectors and end users. Domainers and collectors are different targets.

    For what is the situation of marketplaces/auction houses now, you have 3 options:

    1) If you want sell to domainers, the price must be 10
    2) If you want sell to collectors, the price can be 40 to 100
    3) If you want sell to end user the price can be 1000 or also much more

    Point 1 (NJ, SN, forums, etc.) already works well, even with some issues…

    Point 2 (where the auctions runned by HA for instance are included) are something that is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION

    Point 3 is completely absent. For point 3, dutch auctions would be the best solution now

    • I don’t think that end users are completely absent. I just think it is random and lucky if you get 1 end user for every 100 really premium domains you auction.

      • The point is: you have to start an auction when you have end users that are looking to one of your domains, when you have end users eager to buy that particular domain, so you must be able to start an auction at that moment, and the best model in that case is the dutch model.

        Now that more end users are starting to look to the domain world is time for platforms like DNX or others to open their doors, permitting to serious people that have received recent real inquiries (and maybe even demonstrable inquiries, if they want) to start a dutch auction for that particular domain with recent inquirers.

  2. What happen Konstantinos? You also do censorship now? Don’t say that please 🙂

  3. It seems I have posted in the same moment you were approving my post. There are strange links in the domain world….:)

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