Dolly Parton Gets Domains QueenOf.Country, Dolly.Country And DollyParton.Country

MindsAndMachinesDolly Parton, the legendary Queen of Country, has registered,, and and has agreed to be part of the .country pioneer program, which provides domain names to musicians, businesses, and organizations before the release of .country domain names to the general public on September 15, 2014.

“The launch of the .country top-level domain by registry operator Minds + Machines, in association with Uniregistry, is part of a revolutionary restructuring of the Internet’s naming system by ICANN, the Internet’s governing body, as it looks to create choice, relevance, name availability and affordability to individuals, communities and businesses across the US and the globe.”

Ms. Parton, in agreeing to be a .country pioneer, will assist in the launch of .country by using her new domain names and by providing her name, image and other assistance. Members of the .country pioneer program receive their choice of domain names ahead of general release in exchange for their help in marketing the new top-level domain.

Luke Myszka, Digital Strategist for CTK Management/Dolly Records, added:

“We are honored and thrilled to have Dolly Parton be a part of the ground-breaking launch of the .country TLD (top level domain) with! It’s wonderful to have our artists on the cutting-edge of the digital marketplace, and we look forward to participating in this partnership for years to come.”

Other names reserved by Dolly Parton in .country include,, and

Antony Van Couvering, CEO of Minds + Machines, the registry operator for .country, commented:

“Dolly Parton was my first introduction to country music, and I’ve been a fan ever since. She’s a big reason we started .country, so I couldn’t be more thrilled that she’s signed on as a pioneer. Dolly gets it: .country is part of of a massive transformation of the Internet, and she wants to be part of it. With new top-level domains being supported by the likes of Amazon, Google, and L’Oréal, we look forward to a natural tipping point when we all will be adopting domain endings that identify us with a particular interest, location or activity.”

Frank Schilling, founder of Uniregistry, said:

“Uniregistry is proud to be working with Minds + Machines, to bring the .country top level domain name to artists and fans of country music world-wide. We are thrilled to see Dolly Parton, a timeless legend, be the first to claim her .country name, and we look forward to serving many other artists in future!”

Country music fans are widely recognized as loyal, diverse, and growing, with over 100 million country fans worldwide and over 20 million going to country music concerts a year. In the United States, country music is the No. 1 radio format.

Domain names in .country will be available to all on 15 September 2014. The estimated retail cost will typically start at around $25 a year. To register a name within .country, go to or, or contact any leading registrar. The .country top-level domain is a joint venture by Minds + Machines and Uniregistry.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. What are these guys thinking? How .dumb

    Don’t mortgage the farm to invest in this tld, or any other for that matter.

  2. The .Silicone extension would be more descriptive of Dolly Parton…….QueenOf.Silicone

  3. Go Dolly Go ! I hope she sparks a whole wave of Dolly groupies to go forth and do likewise, she is after all one smart cookie! Plus I’ve got shares in Minds + Machines – (MMX on the London Stock Exchange) ! They also have .London and a whole host of others and I confidently expect them to be taken over by Google at some time in the future.

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