Afnic, the .fr registry, has disclosed the results of its annual survey on the quality of its services
Afnic has renewed its annual survey on the quality of its services, carried out by the INIT company, in which 105 registrars participated in 2013.
With respect to Afnic’s quality of service and public image, the survey indicated:
- A net increase in Afnic’s overall satisfaction rating, rising from around 8/10 in 2012 to 8.2/10 in 2013;
- An overall satisfaction level of 99% (against 97% in 2012);
Major strengths highlighted by this survey show that Afnic is perceived as an organization that:
- can be trusted (99% of respondents agreed);
- is professional (98%);
- is customer-focused (94%);
Areas for improvement indicated by customers for the coming year include:
- setting up new services: Registry Lock, Multi-Year Registration, etc.
- making more communication, training and promotional tools available to customers (presence at trade fairs, etc.)
- more interaction on new areas for economic development represented by the new gTLDs, etc.