ICANN looking for locations for 2015 Meetings in Africa, Latin America/Caribbean Islands, Europe

ICANN is actively seeking locations for its three public meetings to be held 8-12 February 2015 in Africa, 21-25 June 2015 in Latin America/Caribbean Islands, and 18-22 October 2015 in Europe. Those in the geographic regions are invited to submit recommendations for specific locations to hold the events. These recommended venues, along with others in the region that meet the selection criteria, will be considered. The final location for the ICANN Meetings will then be selected through the evaluation of both community-recommended and ICANN-identified locations.

Interested parties are encouraged to review the Meeting Selection Criteria, which will be used to guide the evaluation of both community-recommended and ICANN-identified meeting locations. Elements such as cost of the meeting for ICANN and the community, convenience to international airports, availability of sufficient hotel guest rooms in or near the venue, meeting facilities, network infrastructure, personal safety of meeting participants, and total level of financial support will be considered by ICANN in making its final selection of a meeting site.

Those interested in submitting a recommendation for a location to host the Meeting, or a proposal for host-level financial support in the region, are encouraged to submit the online Meeting Location Recommendation Form.

Meeting No. Official Dates Geographic Region (?) Submission Deadline
No. 52 8-12 February 2015 AF 5 July 2013
No. 53 21-25 June 2015 LAC 5 July 2013
No. 54 18-22 October 2015 EUR

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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