Registry operator Dot Scot Registry Limited announced the release of some of its reserved .SCOT domains from the Name Collision List on the 6th of January after which all names are in the general pool of available names for registration (except otherwise reserved).
As for the release of (some) reserved names, they are starting with those related to Governmental and other entities relating to Civic Scotland. Such names wereplaced in a special phase, called “civic” and released for registration yesterday on 20 January 2015 at 13:00 UTC on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please note that these names are reserved for the entities, public or private, with a specific prior right on those names.
This also means that some of the .scot pioneers will finally get their domain names.
The University of the Highlands and Islands will get the domain name that was on the ICANN collision list and similarly the Scottish Enterprise will get the domain name