Daily Domain Sales (10-14-2014): Chaozhi.com $26k, Abov.com $20k

dailyA lot of sales yesterday. There were 3 5-figure and 12 4-figure domain sales.

The sale of KorsVodka.com for $750,000 was a fake.

Media around the world are attacking the Ebola.com owners (and their mothers…). What do you think?

ICANN 51 started on Sunday. Check out the video recap from Monday and Tuesday.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
kxr.com 9,429 GBP
partyking.com 6,000 EUR
lafin.com $4,000
finishsline.com $1,300
coatings.ch 1,000 EUR
htp.fr 1,000 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
policemen.com $7,500
pigo.com $7,499

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

chaozhi.com $26,000
abov.com $20,001
kaolti.com $5,100
accessu.com $1,525
topmortgage.com $1,500
shecam.com $930
delmarvalite.org $760
xemdaga.com $707
oddbark.com $630
rover.net $591
sparkviewengine.com $455
campfireok.com $421
applebeesforyou.com $405
ctfr.com $404
articlegarden.com $380
streetculturemash.com $378
fieldmedics.com $355
dasblog.net $351
floridahometowndemocracy.com $310
jargol.com $288
geocachingwa.org $280
categorydirectory.com $255
dclb.com $255
6max.com $255
loanmatters.com $254
hpgp.com $225
dtef.com $225
arrowhead-realty.com $207
iohr.com $204
obuj.com $200
lfoe.com $199
bentonmedical.com $194
maisonnyc.com $190
communityhealthpriorities.org $190
getfityou.com $161
stew.co $155
mawhats4dinner.com $155
gtlx.com $150
maihirek.com $146
urfaseyahat.net $144
fledgelingskeptic.com $143
todayskitchens.com $137
agogobuy.net $137
shaunaleelange.com $135
christ-the-king-center.org $125
leafz.com $122
trunkize.com $122
stephenpollan.com $110
allsportnews.com $106
qcoi.com $105
jrscazar.com $105
cs-cart-commerce.com $105
yorklawsociety.com $105
vfeo.com $105
healthyherb.com $105
articlub.com $105
helppuppies.com $105
beethoven.info $105
distinctivenotes.com $105
nshj.com $105
bondofsilence.com $105
uxff.com $102
c-h-s.net $100
way2bookmarks.com $100
nomadcardiff.com $100
apolloapp.com $95
maryellencharters.com $95
ljp-iplaw.com $83
find-cards-now.com $76
tedxkrp.com $75
energiailimitada.com $75
familystrength.org $73
aiwwan.com $70
mtoolsoft.com $65
53145.com $65
valleypumpkinfest.com $65
uptoboxddl.com $61
irums.com $60
japanslate.com $59
rcacomputer.com $55
freedomordeathmusic.com $55
teameisenberg.com $55
thepopview.com $55
seokeywordrankings.com $49
cinemagraphcollection.com $48
sangriaroyaloak.com $48
twilopr.com $47
abcanoekayak.org $47
giftsforum.com $46
diybl.com $45
hotelfranksf.info $45
shopcomedy.com $45
juru.net $45
spaceshuttleinn.com $45
tachille.com $42
ikx.me $40
zwuh.com $40
everythinghomeschool.info $40
smedigital.biz $40
ugdy.com $40
findmyinn.com $40
cicuma.com $40
vbbox.com $38
ixiw.com $38
passhockey.com $38
calvincoles.com $38
pokerptr.info $37
scotus.org $37
cxto.com $37
infispace.com $35
homedigg.com $35
sciencefictionsites.com $35
jaimeedmondson.net $35
faire-construire-maison.com $35
utopia2000.org $35
narayoshitomo.com $35
boatmaine.us $35
faceclash.com $33
udyf.com $32
desgas.com $32
familyvacations.tv $32
loudmusic247.com $31
esentience.com $30
andoverrattery.com $30
hermanhomestore.com $30
milync.com $30
zyeq.com $30
kickassdigital.com $30
vqqi.com $30
uqir.com $30
drupalbalkansummit.org $28
mountain-memories.com $27
beneyfuneralhome.com $27
conteudoglobal.com $27
backie.org $27
onlinereviewproduct.info $25
freearticlespost.com $25
tokyo-graffiti.com $25
thecondoexpert.com $25
wheatonhamfest.org $24
anglers-proshop.com $22
u-wipe.com $22
newsinyourpocket.com $22
bytheyardfabrics.com $22
guxg.com $22
crimeandpolitics.org $20
ladadc.com $20
hamlinphoto.com $20
smokeychef.com $17
huiput.info $17
healingplaceministries.com $17
midlandpats.com $17
vniw.com $17
cookivf.com $17
088898.com $15
mauriportal.net $15
herdiansyah.org $15
brisketbus.com $12

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
SilverRain.com $777
YdBank.com $770
ChanZuimao.com $700
MusicUbe.com $760
RedBlanket.com $555
Ecoten.com $360
PenNealR.com $340
JNLN.com $263
Soil-moisture-workshop-2013.com $180
Cheap-Web-Hosting-Review.com $154
GeekLine.com $150
BoobsXxl.com $130
FreeXxxIndex.com $120

Flippa Domain Auctions:
Commuters.com $3,551
Witches.org $1,150
JapaneseWomen.com $520
cheapcomputers.org $156
Market.info $3,210 (reserve not met)
Fouls.com $2,000 (reserve not met)

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. You need to be careful of dropcatch many of the high bid domains are going unpaid, meaning there are many people bidding with money they do not have on that platform. If you get on the wrong side of the bid you could pay dearly. Youge.com which sold on 9-22-14 for 5 figures has been relisted for non payment, I have been watching it for about 6 weeks, and have come across 7 high priced relisted auctions due to non payment.

    Not sure why they are bidding up godaddy, could be testing new software, but the $105 auctions keep occurring, they should invest the time cleaning out all the TM infringements within their portfolio.

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