“Brandable” Names vs. Keyword Domains (video)

.CLUB CMO Jeff Sass gave a keynote speech at NamesCon Europe 2018.

“Fake words in names can be like Fake News – they can lead you to something other than the desired result. So-called “brandable” domains – often words that are made up or misspelled – rarely pass the “radio test” and can be costly to build into a memorable SEO friendly brand. On the other hand, a domain comprised of a keyword or keywords can create a powerful brand that is easy to identify and ranks well in organic search. And with marketplaces like Names.club, a strong keyword domain can be had for a low monthly fee, creating opportunities for end-users and investors alike.”

You can watch the Keynote by .CLUB CMO Jeff Sass at NamesCon Europe 2018: Let’s Get REAL: “Brandable” Names vs. Keyword Domains

You can also watch this video from Colin Campbell: How to start, scale, exit and repeat a company (video)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Anyone remember the “Cuil” search engine? That name – not cool.

  2. The only thing out of that video I liked is that startup.club documentary that is coming soon! That sounds cool!

  3. Absolute garbage. These names are not “strong keyword domains”, they are as confusing as names like twittr.com or del.ico.us, maybe even worse. Instead of having issues to the left of the dot those new tlds have issues to the right of the dot.

  4. Google still makes me laugh

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