DNDisputes.com: New website about UDRP domain name disputes launches

DNDisputes.com, a new website about UDRP domain name disputes has launched.

DNDisputes.com is a free website listing all domain name disputes filled in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and offers some impressive statistics.

Although all the data in dndisputes.com is taken from the original WIPO website the people behind the website make some corrections on the data to present more structural and meaningful data.

The company behind DNDisputes is from Turkey and has plans to add the other UDRP centers in the future.

Why DNDisputes.com?

There are more than 37,000 WIPO UDRP cases but unfortunately WIPO doesn’t provide a good search feature. Filtering the cases is not possible.

What does DNDisputes.com do?

We are collecting the data automatically and publish. On the home page you can see the latest decisions and the latest cases.

You can browse decisions by these categories:

  • decision,
  • country,
  • case language,
  • complainant,
  • respondent,
  • representative,
  • panelist,
  • decision date,
  • case particular,
  • domain extension,
  • domain length,
  • domain registrar.

Every category has its sub pages. For example if you choose Greece as country then the Greece page show every cases related with Greece (as complainant country and respondent country). There is also some charts about decisions.

You can search and filter decisions based on multiple criteria on search page. For example; you may list all decisions in 2017 which panelist is Tony Willoughby and decision is Complaint Denied. The search page is well designed and it’s up to search whatever you want.

On the statistics page there are tens of statistics about domain dispute decisions.

The estimate page gives estimations for future cases based on current decisions.

I see you only have WIPO decisions. Are you planning to have the other centers as well?
Yes, this questions is asked a lot. We have a plan to expand it to other centers but the data is a serious problem because there is no standardization. DNDisputes.com is working fully automatic, it takes the data from wipo.int every 6 hours. It’s not possible to get data from other centers automatically, we need more human power.

Who are you?

We are a small team in Istanbul focused on domain names . We are working on web projects about domain names.

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

One comment

  1. Very good resource but they need to add other providers too.

    Thanks for sharing, Konstantinos.

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