Is China Invading LLLL.IN Domain Names?

12,000 .IN domain names were registered during the weekend. Chinese Premium equivalents of .IN domains are being hand registered in mass quantities. .IN is the ccTLD of India.

On Friday, there were about 35,000 domain names variations available. (LLLL.IN – No A, E, I, O, U or V) On Monday there were only about 23,000 domain names available.

The information was provided by Go Daddy that is monitoring domain name registration trends.

The following link is the list of available LLLL.IN domains that were available a few hours ago.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. India is on the verge to explode any time.. All the major patterns are gone AAAB/BAAA/AABB/AABC/ABCC/ABBC , wechips etc.. All the remaining ones will be gone within this week.

  2. finally the Internet is Internet…

    1 .wang (net) 60072
    2 .kim 8225
    3 .ren 6983
    4 .lol 4429
    5 .top 4089
    6 .red 3759
    7 .pink 3678
    8 .xyz 3290
    9 .link 2487
    10 .win 2368

    soon will come .rent

  3. Yeah chinese are trying to invade dis extension,but news are there that indian domainers also well aware about .in and extension. We have seen latesr 1 week auction where are trading at $350. And buyout happened in a single day.In almost 1 week 8000 are registered with complete buyout of and worst are trading around 30 $40 per people in india will make a new buyout of soon and den … we will see a big boom in all niche of .in in a year

  4. .WS next to be invaded!

  5. Who are they going to resell all these domains that they are buying to?

    The funniest thing of all is that they are buying the Chinese premium letters which is going to take the extremely hard task of trying to resell these and now eliminate 80% of the potential market as most (if not all) non-Chinese end users aren’t going to want domains like XQYZ, KZQX, etc…

    The only winners here are the registries.

  6. “Who are they going to resell all these domains that they are buying to?”

    Namepros, very easy. Many newbie.

  7. Anything and everything is the next big thing.

    Maybe by the next gTLD applicant round, we’ll see releases for all 474,552 possible TLDs using 3 or 4 letters. In which case, all 1,727,604 strings up to 4 characters long will be gobbled up in 474,552 separate buyouts. That’s just short of 1,727,604 x 474,552 = 820 trillion domains – barely enough to go round.

    China is the biggest big thing. Short domains are scarce. So they will always need more virtual property. No matter how many bills we print, all that currency will be worth more and more day by day.

  8. Don’t waste your time. Indian domainers have an extremely inflated sense of what their names are worth. I have spoken to all of the major holders. Asking prices like $5k a name is absurd. I deal in large blocks of short domains and I can tell you that you won’t find blocks of lll .in for sale at a fair price.

    Look at the momentum that .club is building and start regging those short domains. The trend and info is all there. 6-motsh ago, you could pickup lll .in for $50.

    • I am not sure who quoted 5000 USD ( perhaps those are dictionary words), you have started contacting every one saying sky is the limit of your client budget and one of the known domainer offered a bulk deal of 400 USD each with many tripple premiums ( Western + chips) in them and you came back saying your client felt its not fair price. Lol. if you want to blame anyone , blame your client who doesn’t what .IN names are worth for. Please do not blame .IN domainers , one will quote what they believe in. If you or your client cant afford , thats fair enough. You are trying to compare .CLUB to .IN a big joke man. .CLUB, .XYZ.. all these are sick extensions compare to .IN potential. Who will be the end users of .CLUB where as .IN has 1.3 billion population , many global orgs outside of India are using .IN .

      .IN can be branded as .INfo, . INvestment, .INc , .INternet , .INsurance , .INk , .INdependent.. .INfinite branding opportunities

      What is .CLUB stand for apart from CLUB.

      Friend , please accept the Diamonds as Diamonds and oranges as oranges.

    • You could not get a domain name and that makes the domain name holder with “extremely inflated sense”. Do i see an example of “The Fox and the Sour Grapes” story here ?

  9. I have acquired 12 domains out of that list for .in. Due to shortage of funds thats my limit. Now wait and watch game as to sell them. Any advice?

  10. Thanks for this news. Investing in a solid (probably one of the future most powerfull ccTLD) is for sure a better idea than investing in obscure new gTLD.

    Behind .in, there is India, representing 17% of the world population, and one of the fastest growing economy on the planet.

    So yes, quoting 5k for good or targetting a price around 10% of .com equivalent is just common sense imho. Simply look at .cn to have an idea of the future of .in.

  11. got their end users in $xxx range pretty often. Registering few’s and holding them for few years worth risk. Now are traded at $350 floor, and still there are many nice’s available for reg fee.

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