My Domain Name Portfolio Numbers

These are the numbers from my domain name portfolio. People were asking me at NamesCon how many domains I got and I was not exactly sure so I was replying “about 10,000”.

I am using 4 (5 if you count .gr domains) different registrars and a lot more for drop catching, auctions, etc., and I keep separate lists. I hadn’t add these all up for about 2 years now.

So I was curious too to find out how many domains I have and what the percentage of each TLD is. Here it is:

TLD Domains %
.com 3352 38,69%
.net 49 0,57%
.org 764 8,82%
.info 2245 25,91%
.biz 460 5,31%
.us 770 8,89%
New gTLDs 606 6,99%
.gr 400 4,62%
other 18 0,21%

It seems that I have a few more .info than I need. But these are mostly 3 letter domains and 1 word domains like (, and I am expecting for .info to go up in value. If it was a new gtld it would be one of the top 10.

So I don’t have “about 10,000” domains anymore. When I added these up I remembered that for more than a year (early 2014 through summer of 2015) I was pretty aggressive every month when selecting what domains to renew. I was dropping 10-15% of the domains every month.

Here are a few examples of the posts I wrote about my renewal rate and what domains I dropped:

August: My Domain Name Renewals (571) And Drops (67)

September: My 639 Domain Name Renewals And 118 Drops (15.6%)

October: My 476 Domain Name Renewals And 49 Drops (9.3%)

November: 827 Domain Name Renewals And 119 Drops (12.6%)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Thanks for sharing.I will appreciate if you could share some stats about your sales like no:of sales in 2015,average no:of sales per month etc,lowest and highest priced sales in 2015 etc.,

  2. You have about 395 more .gr domains than I do. How’s the aftermarket with those?

    A 7% stake in new gTLDs is a healthy ratio. I try to keep mine around 10% or less.

  3. Thanks for sharing those stats Konstantinos. I was surprised to see the % of .com in your portfolio. I was expecting to be on the higher side. I hope .info are doing good for you and you have some decent .info domains!

    It would be interesting to see if you can answer any of the questions asked by Jay.

    Thanks once again 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing those stats Konstantinos. I was surprised to see the % of .com in your portfolio. I was expecting to be on the higher side. I hope .info are doing good for you and you have some decent .info domains!

    Thanks once again 🙂

  5. .co had reached 2m regs and about to overtake .Biz. So wonder how many Cos you have and what sort of.

  6. Kostas, wow, almost 26% of the portfolio represented by .info, that’s a lot IMHO, personally I don’t like them, we own none (no .biz or .us either).
    Great keywords, but I’d prefer having .net in those terms, just my view though 🙂 (I know you don’t like .net! 😀 ).

  7. Guess I know whom to ask about .INFO. It’s interesting to compare the percentages, given that my portfolio (i.e. junk hoard) is comparable in size.

  8. Thank you for sharing and being transparent.

    If you get rid of your .info, .biz, .us and .gr you would be in a better position. JMO.

    All the best.

  9. At first glance the non-.Com ratio appears high and since .Net + CCTLDs are still relatively low, I guess you must do considerable outbound marketing. I cannot imagine that many inbound inquiries come in for .Info, .Biz, .US or new TLD domains. But regardless of TLD, if the portfolio yields an acceptable return, TLD composition is irrelevant.

  10. Funny you talk about .info’s.
    I have owned a few’s for awhile and been getting some good offers lately.
    Never thought that would happen.

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