New .NYC Stats Tool: 9 Characters The Most Common Domain Length, “S” The Most Common 1st Character

nycJoel Natividad of put together a dotNYC Explorer based on information on .nyc registrants provided by DoITT, the city agency with oversight of the .nyc TLD. Take a look at

(Unfortunately the site only works with redirects

Here are a couple of hints for getting the most out of the .NYC Explorer:

  • When you get to Explorer’s home on, you’ll see the summary page, like the one above. Click on the blue Launch Website button on the left and interact with the live data on website. (While on take a look around . Beta is a great organization, consider getting involved.)
  • After clicking Launch Website you’ll see essentially the same info on, but it’s live. Click a bar on one of the graphs and see the names in the List box on the left change. For example, in the “First Char” graph, click on the bar representing 5 characters and see the list of 5 character names presented in the List box on the left. NOTE: This is kind of tricky – you must click on the bar above the horizontal line, not on the number 5 itself.
  • Drill down by clicking on 2 bars – the First Char and Length – and drill down to specifics.
  • Finally, once you’ve drilled down, you can click on the names in the List box and be taken to a site with lots of details about that domain name.

Here are some important stats:

  • 54% of the domains are registered by individuals
  • 9 characters is the most common domain name length
  • “s” is the most common first character

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.

One comment

  1. What new in Greece?
    All back to normal yet…maybe 10yrs from now.

    This new Gtlds is making lots of headaches, can’t keep track and somewhat “worthless” just like the Greece’s fiasco.

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