Daily Domain Sales (1-3-2015): DiscoverCircle.com $5100, monolaurin.com $1351

dailyThere are a lot of crazy people going around. Serious nut cases. I had one guy offer me $1,000 and I said that $2,500 was my best price (down from $4,000) as I had other offers in the past and the domain has traffic and revenue.

He went crazy saying he will sue me and get the domain for free unless I prove my claim. I told him that he will get nothing as I don’t like threats and will not continue communication with him. He said that he has a very good attorney and I would either have to sell the domain to him at $1,000 or he would take it for free as he has done with 23 previous domains! That was common blackmail. If I get another email from him I am going to the police.

People think that they can go around and essentially knock on people’s doors, asking them to sell their house for the price they think is right.

Watch out for a New Spam/Scam Using Escrow.com To Get Your Attention.

I am back reporting Go Daddy auction results. And guess what? I haven’t received a single complaint in over 4 months.

Here are my 13 ways to make Go Daddy auctions better. A Go Daddy rep replied and gave a solution to 1 of the problems: email support. The other 12 problems (plus the ones written in the comments) remain.

Top 10 Posts In December At OnlineDomain.com: Namejet Problems, Rick Schwartz, My Sales/Purchases & Verisign Stats

Here is a poll with over 450 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

discovercircle.com $5100
monolaurin.com $1351
samplify.com $871
ttzs.com $610
elimpacto.com $595
howtobasic.com $510
cascadeyachts.com $470
santasnet.com $421
l4n.com $407
airshow.org $406
intothepill.net $337
paulinehofseth.com $311
akbn.com $305
funrj.com $276
ociy.com $240
secret7.com $236
saxoline.com $227
rbhousemuseum.org $220
hacknrio.org $207
innovateefficiently.com $205
daedeva.com $165
vibrationsclub.com $162
marcellescrinums.com $155
babyfrenzy.com $153
psalmslife.com $135
xpmh.com $130
nationalbartending.com $125
uzue.com $122
fishingcatproject.info $120
asianjewellery.com $116
ultimatedrone.com $116
ozuh.com $115
mambotoys.com $115
zeiv.com $111
themagaziner.com $111
agenciasimobiliarias.com $110
47596.com $110
utiy.com $106
goagifts.com $106
ppblueridge.org $105
cardiffelectrician.com $104
vuaw.com $104
zlqp.com $100
thewire247.com $95
synthis.com $95
artsofthealbemarle.com $95
vuev.com $93
infinitytattooideas.com $92
returnthefavor.org $90
uniformetecnic.com $90
symphonyinthebrain.com $85
tremontwestdevelopment.com $85
webhosting-rated.com $85
gates311.com $85
kreativejewels.com $85
nutritionlowdown.com $85
1650whkt.com $82
kiwichoice.com $81
belizeanartist.com $80
sci2morrow.com $80
technohuman.net $80
enkg.com $78
oxev.com $77
peuj.com $77
learnzeta.com $75
dictionary-translation.com $75
kyqm.com $75
myscarymazegame.com $75
wox-apps-finans.com $75
piuv.com $70
sci-fi.net $70
creatad.com $69
pwxg.com $68
cornerstonescuba.com $65
sweatshoppepublications.com $65
healthywacoalition.org $63
qoim.com $62
udallfoundation.org $61
tandemmagazine.net $60
musicalquests.com $60
patriotbonds.cc $60
iwrahome.org $57
patriotsbond.cc $57
patriot-bond.cc $55
bouncingwall.com $55
patriotsbonds.cc $55
patriot-bonds.cc $55
abmq.com $55
patriotbond.cc $55
myonepac.org $51
femalebodyguards.com $50
uvaj.com $48
worldbingohall.com $46
hemptopia.org $45
irispic.com $43
jeanforkansas.com $42
bluesunbelt.com $42
simpsonipsum.com $40
danielmustardmusic.com $37
classy-films.com $37
moguyi.org $35
brittneymeyer.com $35
starlingproject.com $35
cattle-log.com $35
jagoee.net $35
telexwireless.com $33
ikiprev.com $32
nkcu.com $32
v41.net $32
pcpafg.org $32
blackfridayfights.com $30
freeamericarally.org $30
pngo-project.org $27
vmbbs.com $27
betleaders.com $27
sharinglaughs.com $25
huahinlandandhouse.net $25
enuity.com $25
quick-debt-relief-management.info $25
classicamericanrestaurant.com $25
umaequilibrista.com $25
codkadalka.com $22
ehealthforall.com $22
vqff.com $22
uzuh.com $22
gxal.com $22
brickhousetheband.com $22
lorbis.com $20
ajaxloading.com $20
labteq.com $20
topcutsires.com $20
usfirstcu.com $20
waitwat.com $20
testops.com $20
truewaychurch.org $20
busylittlequilter.com $20
technonow.com $20
radioflashfm.net $20
scccharities.com $20
onlyvimal.com $20
protegesportsinc.com $20
bm886.com $17
uberloverz.com $15
mylove-bridal.com $15
padegennaro.com $15
certifiedkia.com $15
alltheclubs.com $15
babyjai.com $15
ushopi.com $15
smskeen.com $15
muskogeephoenixonline.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
BizBase.com $750
Yh6655.com $401
ClaroU.com $315
9944444.com $246
StopLossMovie.com $150
TownToLogy.net $105

Flippa Domain Auctions:
BeardJokes.com $109


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Can you publish that guys email here so we know if he tries to buy one of our domain names-thank you.

  2. So if he’s gotten 23 domains that means he’s after generics by extortion. Sergei Putanov would have his legs broken.

  3. Yeap, care to share the guy’s email, name or modus operandi? Thanks

  4. Very different lowball tactic from a guy we are negotiating for a whisky-related domain.
    He started with a 150£ offer.
    We replied “thanks, but it’s too low”, and then he answered “C’mon, let’s be pals – £200” … LOL! 😀
    At least he’s not blackmailing or threatening, a thing we can’t tolerate …

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