Trademark Clearinghouse Has 31,866 Marks And 89,773 “TM” Notices Have Been Sent

The Trademark Clearinghouse has published it’s latest stats. So far 31,866 marks have been submitted to the Trademark Clearinghouse as of the 28th of July 2014. The number of marks were 30,916 on the 19th of June. So the Trademark Clearinghouse added 950 trademarks in these past 40 days.

Finally there have been 89,773 notifications sent out to TM holders so far. This means that 89,773 (or probably less) new gTLD domain names have been registered that contain a mark that is registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse. The registered domains are probably less than 89,773 as when a domain, that consists of a trademark that is registered by multiple parties in the Trademark Clearinghouse, is registered then multiple notifications are sent to TM holders.

On itself that doesn’t mean something to me as it is getting more difficult with each passing day to find a dictionary term that is not registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse and because of availability most of the New gTLD domains that are registered consist of just 1 word. Common terms such as “insurance” or the letter “e” are trademarked.

I am almost certain that almost 99.9% of these 89,773 domain registrations do not infringe on any trademark. Of course most of it all depends on the use.


The number was 23,024 on the 21st of January that was almost a week before the launch of the first 7 new gTLDs from Donuts.

So the Trademark Clearinghouse has added almost 8,000 marks since the launch of the first new gTLDs meaning that there are many companies that were alerted about this launch a bit late. Or it just means that the first batch of new gTLDs was not related to their trademarks.

49.02% of the trademarks are registered for multiple years and 97.8% of the marks have been verified. I am not sure what they mean by “verified” because there are a lot of questionable marks that are used to by top domain names in sunrise such this and this and of course these.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.

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