Arab Center for Dispute Resolution (ACDR) Starts Accepting UDRP Complaints

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, president of the Arab Intellectual Property Mediation and Arbitration Society (AIPMAS) launched the Arab Center for Dispute Resolution (ACDR) accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as a dispute resolution service provider for the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) in the Arab region.

The ACDR was approved as a UDRP dispute resolution service provider on 18 May 2013. Here is a list of all ICANN approved dispute resolution providers.

The fees depending on the number of domains and if the decision is made by 1 or 3 panelists are:

Fees (U.S. Dollars)
(a) Fees: For a Single-member panel

 Number of Domain Names Fee for single panel member  Administrative Fee Total
 1-2  $1,000.00  $500.00  $1,500.00
 3-5  $1,100.00  $600.00  $1,700.00
 6-10  $1,200.00  $900.00  $2,100.00
 11-15  $1,500.00  $1,200.00  $2,700.00
16 or more                 Please contact the Center.

b) Fees for a Three-member panel

 Number of
Domain Names
 Fee for Three
Member Panel
 1-2  Presiding panelist: $1000.00
Each co-panelist: $500.00
    $600.00  $2,600.00
 3-5  Presiding panelist: $1,300.00
Each co-panelist:$700.00
    $1000.00  $3,700.00
 6-10  Presiding panelist: $1,400.00
Each co-panelist:$1,000.00
    $1,100.00  $4,500.00
 11-15  Presiding panelist: $1,500.00
Each co-panelist:$1,200.00
    $1,300.00  $5,200.00
 16 or more                            Please contact the Center

“The establishment of this Center represents a significant step towards more Internet protection and security for the entire Arab region and the world at large. It will maintain a variety of alternate dispute resolution mechanisms to allow affordable alternatives to litigation in order to resolve all types of disputes.

As the fifth globally accredited center in the world, the ACDR will have particular significance by focusing on domain name-related disputes which could be settled by proficient arbitrators in many languages.

The ACDR is jointly established by AIPMAS and the Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP), both under the chairmanship of HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, with offices in all Arab countries.

The ACDR has a diverse scope of activities including research, program development, outreach at all levels, as well as fostering an international staff knowledgeable and proficient in all aspects of Intellectual Property, with a particular specialty in domain name dispute resolution. To this end, the Center will utilize most novel approaches such as electronic interface, diverse knowledge of the legal system as well as deep knowledge of standing cultural and regional approaches to resolve legal disputes.

On the other hand, the Center will develop solid partnerships at all levels in an endeavor to support Intellectual Property markets. ”

For more information, please contact or visit the website:


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.

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