I was doing a search at Namejet for upcoming drops and auctions when I noticed that suplementshop.com and fitnesforum.com are in pending delete status and will drop in a couple of days.
I was then amazed by the bids they have. Suplementshop.com has a $2,400 bid by a single bidder and fitnesforum.com has a $2,500 and 2 bidders.
And these are not proxy bids. If Namejet gets suplementshop.com the single bidder will pay $2,400 and if fitnesforum.com is caught by Namejet the domain will go into auction with a starting bid of $2,500.
Both domains may look pretty good at first glance but these are both misspellings. The winning bidder will be wasting their money. The domains were both registered 2 years ago by the same person and are now dropping probably because they were not even making renewal fees in PPC.
I know that the 2 bids can’t be withdrawn but maybe people can ask Namejet support to do it. The domains are backordered in other auction venues as well.
It is always good practice to at least enter a domain name in Google to check popularity and spelling before making such high bids.
Got to love the Chinese and their fist full of dollars…typos have long been dead, stay away
Especially with the all the browsers auto correcting URLs…
well sometimes you just overlook it if you think you´re getting a steal and rush into things.
I just bought Faries.org and I was convinced I was buying Fairies.org so it sucks and I lost $55 but at least it was only $55, shit happens sometimes!
I bought a misspell as well a couple of years back. I was on a vacation and didn’t really paid the attention I ought to.
I tossed $300 down the drain. It happens…