Daily Domain Sales (12-10-2014): Bloodhound.com $5,895, Officials.com $3,500

dailyI posted some of my 2014 domain name purchases today.

One Degree World launched their first 8 New gTLD travel websites. They are aiming for 300 websites.

New gTLD 1st Day Domains: .Immo 5274, .Business 3292, .Software 3068, .Network 3055, .Pizza 1272, .Auction 1053

This is my first post of what will be a series of articles with some of my domain name sales. The first post has 100 .info domain sales I have made over the past 10 years.

I compiled a report analyzing expiration dates of all .guru New gTLD domains. Only 8,16% Of All .Guru Domains Have Been Renewed So Far – Will This Reach 80% In 2 Months?

Here is a poll with over 400 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
ultra-sun.com 2,888 EUR
kontieren.com 2,550 EUR
perth.es 1,000 EUR
travelapp.net $1,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
officials.com $3,500
stuffmag.com $699
feww.com $300
downloadguide.com $211
desertcat.com $191

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

bloodhound.com $5,895
kunduz.com $1,575
anhdam.info $1,226
androidpro.com $830
hg126.com $672
flyromania.com $585
repairplus.com $511
oozie.org $496
zooquariumcapecod.net $455
decadeofseo.com $436
crispen.org $405
rutis.org $370
syjb.com $339
lmbrownwebdesign.com $335
dgky.com $329
hardknockwoodfurniture.com $325
hg646.com $321
jsso.com $309
graphicarts.org $306
w3wizards.com $300
silangmemoirs.com $297
dezmo.com $260
batikbutik.com $250
freeactivator.com $242
androidhub.com $230
philosyphia.com $220
yourperiod.com $218
csccc.info $217
dzlw.com $215
ct-al-anon.org $210
dzqp.com $208
mqbc.com $206
mwqs.com $203
mermaiddiaries.com $191
longbeachmedicalcenter.org $190
gingkoblue.com $185
spawire.com $178
operationjerseyshoresanta.org $174
bmhw.info $171
mepbis.org $164
bspokeblog.com $162
consumersgroup.com $160
air-lifeline.com $160
mwqh.com $155
pixelfxstudios.com $155
digivid.com $155
hideipusa.com $147
fordit.com $140
thecolorist.com $140
xwdp.com $138
jumpthequeue.com $135
46im.com $135
rakjang.com $132
pmtooling.com $130
zencefil.net $130
huxville.com $122
mwqr.com $121
mayscounter.com $117
fireworkstext.com $117
cellphonetreasure.com $116
markaguhar.com $114
paycup.com $114
amenfarmpetportraits.com $107
sarcoxielibrary.org $106
wefixitnow.com $105
xsposure.com $103
clearicemaker.com $101
mobileandroid.com $100
qrxj.com $96
mmafaestro.com $90
poetic-creations.com $90
newnepaltrekking.com $88
neelysbbqofnashville.com $87
theblogoflists.com $84
youschedule.com $80
suckaforlife.com $80
lazybuthealthy.com $77
rescueisland.com $77
aptea.info $76
nfoz.com $75
szeroka.net $75
uioz.com $75
theamble.com $72
mindmodeling.com $66
camcow.net $65
uioy.com $63
lvkf.com $62
robotball.com $60
orlz.com $60
yyar.com $57
64407.com $57
apmfi.com $57
camouflagetext.com $56
scalewell.com $55
ohtim.com $55
sgflorists.com $55
detroitfashionpages.com $55
pnwcwoa.org $55
riversidersu.org $54
jcjjw.com $47
formosachinese.com $47
cosmojuegos.com $45
marlboroughgolfclub.com $45
courthousecenterstage.org $42
niusonsilom.com $42
4xcircle.com $41
meaning-of-roses.com $40
twpro.com $40
eyeticket.com $40
frandordelilansing.com $38
4inv.com $37
bellaseracopperascove.com $37
mwqu.com $35
feedwave.com $35
beautylondonescorts.com $35
marisarebecca.com $30
dealingwithmesothelioma.com $30
addictions911.com $30
xhy.cc $27
1verse.com $27
buyukbedenabiye.net $27
bestxcams.com $22
boperj.org $22
guianespresso.com $22
highlifethemovie.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
GlobalCarriers.com $558
43Places.com $519
Vatis.com $480
EcigWorld.com $450
FranceWay.com $321
MediaContents.com $249
FriendsTagger.com $224
HMBF.com $224
Jitterjam.com $221
WesKer.com $208
5522Msc.com $205
7722Msc.com $205
59236.com $125

Flippa Domain Auctions:
NaturalDetox.org $3,850
ScubaTank.com $2,500
internetbandwidth.com $15,000 (reserve not met)
Leah.com $8,600 (reserve not met)
newscloud.com $3,457 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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