Daily Domain Sales (2-20-2015): NamePlates.com $9,669, Bistros.com $5,200

dailyRightside Buys .NEWS Domain Name Extension

Here is A Domain Name Lesson Not Learned from NamesCon.

1st Year .College Registrations Are Free For Trademark Holders, Brands, .edu & .ac.uk Domain Registrants

1 & 2 Character .FR Domain Names Opening To The General Public Today

NOKTA’s Most Popular Domain Names Of 2014

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
s30.com $4,444
monteurunterkunft.at 1,000 EUR
yourzone.net $1,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
nameplates.com $9,669
bistros.com $5,200
trsn.com $1,100
rssnewsfeeds.com $438
nudistworld.com $390
tekp.com $319

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

wholesale-orders.com $1,725
wmqc.com $1,050
mrwx.com $1,001
revitalcohen.com $801
interiordesignonline.com $741
artandframingdesigns.com $705
technologyexplores.com $661
votetoimpeach.org $630
babysales.com $520
greenchickencoop.com $515
gyrn.com $405
millendtextiles.com $405
beyondmedicine.com $304
proxybuzz.com $270
bhfstl.com $265
jwwt.com $216
29183.com $211
fakedr.net $199
perry200.com $184
travelertags.com $160
05520.com $160
sparkytown.net $146
hobartok.com $145
veryirresistibleyou.com $125
baptistgenerals.com $122
adelantelrc.org $120
mrwn.com $117
mrwf.com $117
amevive.com $112
twitseeker.com $106
frontierelec.com $106
verifiedclick.com $105
wrtareligioustravel.com $105
phelipesd.com $105
lagunaed.net $101
everydayhealthweb.com $95
madchen-spiele.org $92
boysofbonneville.com $91
propermatch.com $91
cgpq.com $90
jewishsoftware.net $90
oramon.com $85
4-lesco.com $85
latinofamilyservices.org $81
mansfieldmotorsportsonline.com $80
hadita.com $75
bigcitysandwiches.com $75
robwitham.com $75
coldclearanddeadly.com $75
aaronjae.com $75
animalmatters.com $75
viziohub.com $75
lociraj.com $75
betportfolio.com $70
supercalafragalistic.com $67
lawson4texas.com $64
casperblue.com $62
txep.com $62
yourfashionfinder.com $62
uwum.com $60
lawyerkansascitymo.com $59
lisasglutenfree.com $56
legacyofthecauldron.com $55
kzeb.com $55
mkij.com $55
freaknleather.com $55
shallwrite.com $46
genecurtis.com $45
egyptiansun.net $45
hlvd.com $43
168chineserestaurant.com $41
friendsofdanang.org $37
roadhousecoupons.com $37
droneop.com $37
blogazoo.com $36
drinkingisbelieving.com $35
flyinglobe.com $35
oyunport.org $32
24hourpaydayloanfastcash.com $32
rvuf.com $28
recadoshow.net $27
oyunkeyfi.net $26
managetaxes.com $25
znoeil.com $25
affordableinsurance.cc $25
northcarolinahealthinsurancemarketplace.com $23
conservativesnow.com $22
rvtape.com $22
sanjoselandscapers.com $22
webscriptsonline.com $22
officefurniturezone.com $22
quakedev.com $22
desprodev.com $22
discountjudaica.com $17
wxmv.com $17
wb3anq.com $17
upstateinteractive.com $17
sijundokan.com $17
adagenciesinaction.org $17
dolanspringschamber.com $17
cjbasscustomlures.com $17
cidrapbusiness.net $17
christepiscopalgrmn.org $15
moshakatani.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
HongTiao.com $1,161
TongMiao.com $615
SwissTalk.com $557
KanMin.com $555
Pixley.com $555
Torlak.com $554
KosPel.com $502
111180.com $144
859777.com $179
Btykyy.com $344
CrossSearch.com $295
DSKH.com $164
HardcoreSexFavorite.com $105
HeroCorpFrance.com $161
HookedOnlinq.com $114
InCleaning.com $114
IWaver.com $100
mankung.com $210
NailPerfection.com $154
Rpqc.com $149
TagsGf.com $120
WenLao.com $229

Flippa Domain Auctions:

file.io $4,050
Airfare.to $4,000
FastStuff.com $150


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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